Share your story
First and foremost, what you like sexually is none of my business. What I’m interested in is how often you like it.
Because all too frequently women with high libidos, and men with low libidos, have been made to feel confused or ashamed about their bodies and desires. As if there were something wrong with them, rather than with cultural biases that for so long have offered a narrow definition of sexual “normalcy,” especially for women.
If this sounds like you, please consider sharing your story, for the database and/or podcast. It can be funny, angry, emotional — there’s no judgment here and your privacy will always be respected.
The information will be used above all for a database chronicling just how many people feel unnatural about their most natural urges, and why. And how those experiences compare and contrast across gender, age, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.
Some questions to consider for your recording
Has your sexuality been a cause of embarrassment and shame or joy and adventure?
Do you feel that you or your partner(s) don’t conform to gender stereotypes about sexuality? At what age did you begin feeling this way? Does it affect your life today, and if so, how?
Have you ever felt pressured to repress or ignore your sexuality? If so, by whom: Family? Friends? Society? A religious institution? [If you have been or are part of the purity movement, please specify which denomination.]
Has anyone ever shamed you for enjoying sex? If so, who?
Have family, friends or your community supported you openly for enjoying sex?
Have you ever been scared before, during or after sex? Have you ever felt it was easier to go through with it than to say something or stop?
At what age were you able to express what you wanted sexually from your partner(s)? Do you still struggle with that? Does it depend on the dynamic you have with each partner?
If you’re a woman, have you ever been told you want sex too often? If so, by whom? In what circumstances?
If you’re a man, have you ever been told you don’t want sex enough? If so, by whom? In what circumstances?
If you’re gender non-binary or trans, how has your lived gender experience and your sexuality been affected by stereotypes?
Share your story for the podcast
If you’re OK with excerpts of your story being used in podcast episodes, please note you will be identified only by your first name and place of residency. But you must include a valid way for us to reach you: I can’t cite someone if I can’t confirm they exist!
Recording (mp3 or m4a)
There are many ways to record yourself and send in the audio (to, but one of the easiest is with the Voice Memos app on your smartphone or tablet.
1. Set device to Airplane mode (because Voice Memos automatically shuts
off when a text or call comes in, without alerting you).
2. Open Voice Memos app, hit the big red button and start recording by clearly stating (and spelling) your first and last name, age, gender, sexual orientation, town/city/or country, email address or phone number.
3. Start sharing your story! Preferably 20 minutes max, but really, no one is timing you. And it doesn’t have to be perfect. Chances are, we will use only excerpts of stories we choose.
4. When you’re done recording, hit the big red button again…
…and then “Done.”
5. You’ll be prompted to name the m4a file. Please type in your first name, age and town/city/country. Examples: “Natasha, 48, Nashville” or “Benjamin, 32, Peru.”
6. Save the file.
7. Select the file from the recordings list, then click Share.
8. Send file to
9. Turn off Airplane mode, and you’re done!